Tuesday, March 25, 2008

more SPE photos

SPE throws a dance party at the conclusion of every national conference. Matt and I arrived unfashionably on time. Not much going on. Slowly people began trickling in. People started dancing. People started to go crazy.

Photographers know how to party.

Very much like a high school dance they had a camera and backdrop set up. SPE knows how to do it though...4x5s and Fuji instant film - goodbye Polaroid :( And to make it even better the photographer had a beer cup holder attached to his tripod.

Beer and photography!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

traveling photos

Here's a quick photographic take on the road trip.

Train crossing in Colorado

Sidney, Nebraska

Sunset, somewhere in Nebraska

I swear it wasn't my fault

Sinclair Gas.
The single best logo/mascot for a gas station. Genius!

This thing saved our lives. It may lead you onto a dirt road but
it'll get you to a gas station. Avoid Deep Creek Road in Kansas.

A truck dressed up like Nebraska

Sunshine on a beard.

Somewhere near the Illinois and Iowa border (still in Illinois)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

a room with a view

While not spectacular our view from the hotel room did afford us a view of the blue sky and mountains. Our hotel, on the border between Denver and Glendale served as our home during the conference. Two things occured here. Sleeping and eating cheeseburgers and chicken nuggets from the Wendy's late night drive-thru around the corner.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Denver or bust!

Matt and I are headed to Denver, Colorado for the 2008 National Conference for Society for Photographic Education.

We're driving, leaving right now.

Check back for updates from the road.